Jane Moretz Edmisten

Jane Moretz Edmisten

Why do I name The Carter Center as a beneficiary in my estate plan?

Aside from the natural objects of my bounty, I, as many others, want to leave some legacy for causes that will benefit society. The Carter Center is the principal object of my estate's charitable giving for many reasons.

First, President and Mrs. Carter have lived lives more exemplary than the lives of any other couple who ever moved over the stage of leadership in our country. To benefit The Carter Center, thus, is a way to honor them and their values, and to contribute to the perpetuation of their goal of providing for the forgotten members of humanity and for the enhancement of democratic values throughout the world. The Carter Center is a worthy steward of charitable gifts, for the Carters have created an institution with strong, innate values of efficiency, institutional austerity, and the delivery of benefits to those who are intended to benefit. I have been privileged to see that first-hand over many years.

As the Center moves forward, following their example during their lifetimes, I am confident that Jason Carter will perpetuate and enhance those values. I can think of no charity more worthy to be the steward of my charitable giving.